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The impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on business, employers, and profits will set a standard for how an employer selects ACA advisors and service products. The Benefit Companies, Inc. created Affordable Care Act Compliance & Services, Inc. (ACACS) to specialize in employers’ ACA compliance and service needs. Our mission is to help employers address ACA compliance, documentation, and service issues that arise with the Affordable Care Act Regulation.

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ACA Compliance Services for Businesses and Employers

A Long History of Working In Government Regulation

The Benefit Companies, Inc. was formed in 1974 in response to the Pension Reform Act of 1974 known as ERISA. As a plan administrator we help employers develop their knowledge of the regulations and meet the compliance requirements imposed by federal regulations. Our clients depend on us for our technical regulatory knowledge and compliance services. Our history makes us uniquely qualified to help you comply with the new ACA regulations.

The Regulation Continues to Grow In Complexity

The original legislation began with 2,600 pages and has now grown to more than 26,000 pages of rules and regulations for employers to follow. Over time, the ACA rules and regulations will continue to grow and is expected to double in the near future.

ACA Third Party Administration Keeps You In Compliance

ACACS, Inc. is a Third Party Administrator for the Affordable Care Act, with the goal of helping employers navigate the complex administration and compliance requirements associated with ACA regulations. We eliminate the challenges of complying with the ACA by providing complete visibility and control over your benefits budget.

Our ACA Concierge Service Makes the Difference

While the marketplace is trying to determine what to do, we talk about HOW TO DO IT. Our ACA Concierge Service makes the difference by helping you manage your day to day administration of the Affordable Care Act.